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Re: Where are the Jews that play Rock and Roll?
by Ari S. on 2002/04/21 11:01:10 US/Mountain


Have you been living in a bubble for the past 25+ years??? There are so many pop-Jewish bands and musician out there that you'd have to be deaf dumb and blind not to come across them. In particular, the leaders of the resurgence in Jewish music...the top performing and recording Jewish band of all time...legends....SAFAM!!! They've been playing all over the World since 1974 and have been the inspiration for all the "Johnny-Come-Latelies" to Jewish music like Yom Hadash, Sam Glaser, Joe Black, Julie Silver, etc.... They were around before Craig Taubman, before Debbie Friedman, before Klexmer Conservatory Band, before Kol B'Seder...they are the real thing...the originals. Check them out at

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