You shall not take the name of
the Lord your God in vain

Upper left-hand quadrant:
How were the Ten Commandments set forth? There were five on one tablet, five on the other. On the one was written, 'I am the Lord your God,' and opposite it: 'You shall not murder.'
On the one was written, 'You shall have no other God,' and opposite it: 'You shall not commit adultery.' On the one was written, 'You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain,' and opposite it: 'You shall not steal.'
Mekhilta According to Rabbi Ishmael

Upper right-hand quadrant: The world was created in precisely ten utterances, corresponding to the Ten Commandments through which the Torah was given to Israel. Bet Hamidrash, ed. Yellineck. Vol 6, p. 46.

Lower left-hand quadrant: Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "Each of you take handfuls of soot from the kiln, and let Moses throw it toward the sky in the sight of Pharaoh. It shall become a fine dust over the land of Egypt, and cause an inflammation breaking out in boils on man and beast throughout the land of Egypt." Exod. 9:8-9

Lower right-hand quadrant: After R. Joshua ben Teradion was slain, R. Judah ben Bava was put to death. The Ten Martyrs