Looking for Tchernichovsky anthology
Posted by Paul Ehrlich on 2000/06/06 00:42:32 GMT+2
Kudos on your web site. I noticed than one of the items for the topic of the month, Birds, is a poem by Saul Tchernichovsky. I have been searching for an anthology of his work for some time now. Could you possibly put me in contact with someone who might know where I can purchase one? I'd be very appreciative.
Thank you.
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Re: Looking for Tchernichovsky anthology
by Shoshana on 2000/06/29 02:46:56 GMT+2
1) Try this link to an online bookstore (mostly used books), specializing in translations of Hebrew literature:
2) The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature (in Tel Aviv) has a database of Hebrew poetry in translation which they could produce for you. They would probably know which anthologies are availble. They can be reached at:
hamachon@inter.net.il or fax 972-3-5796832
3. The West Side Judaica Bookstore in Manhattan, NY has an amazing collection of Hebew poetry anthologies. You might try to contact them too.
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Re: Looking for Tchernichovsky anthology
by Arieh Lebowitz on 2000/07/06 17:40:34 GMT+2
Strongly suggest you try the used book websites
for starters. Also try looking for material via
these places:
Finally, consider the Jewish Book Council,
based in New York at 15 East 26th Street, NYC NY 10016
>> Arieh Lebowitz
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