Ken supiese y entidiense alavar al Dio kreyense
     kualo es el uno?
Uno es el Kriador, Baruch Hu Baruch shemo
Kualo es loz dos?
    Dos Moshe y Aron
Kualo es loz tres
     Trez pardes mustras son, Avram, Itzhak y Yaakov
Kualo es loz kuatro
    Kuatro madrez muestraz son, Sara, Rivka, Leah, Rahel
Kualo es sinko
    Sinko livros de la Ley
Kualo es seish
    Seish diaz de la semana
Kualo es syete
    Syete diaz con Shabbat
Kualo es ocho
    Ocho diaz de la mila
Kualo es mueve
    Mueve mezes de la prenyada
Kualo es diez
    Diez mandamientoz de la Ley
Kualo es onsay
    Onsay trivozin Yosef
Kualo es dosay
    Dosay trivos kon Yosef

Who knows one?
    One is the Creator, praise Him and praise His name.
Who knows two?
    Two are Moses and Aaron.
Who knows three?
    Three are the fathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Who knows four?
    Four are the mothers: Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel
Who knows five?
    Five books of the Law
Who knows six?
    Six are the weekdays

Who knows seven?
    Seven are the days including the Sabbath
Who knows eight?
    Eight are the days from birth to circumcision
Who knows nine?
    Nine are the months of pregnancy
Who knows ten?
    Ten are the commandments
Who knows eleven?
    Eleven are the tribes without Joseph
Who knows twelve?
    Twelve are the tribes including Joseph

(The verses are sung in a cumulative fashon)

Note on Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) transliteration: Judeo-Spanish is traditionally written in Hebrew characters. Here it is not written as modern Spanish but rather transliterated for English speakers, following a system developed by native speakers and scholars in order to clarify the differences between modern Castillan Spanish and the medieval/regional origins of Judeo-Spanish.